Module 1 | Session 1: Introduction to Food Safety

English version: Module 1, Session 1: Introduction to Food Safety, Training for TIBU Impex, Guyana, Megapesca Lda Portugal. Trainer: Kelly Brathwaite (PhD); Learning Outcomes: At the end of this session, you should be able to: Understand the basic principles of food hygiene, Know the meaning of food safety, food safety hazards, contamination and cross-contamination, food poisoning/foodborne illness, and highlight how good food handling practices can prevent foodborne illness. Date: 5/31/2021


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Ultimo aggiornamento Ottobre 7, 2022
Creato Ottobre 7, 2022
Formato application/pdf
Licenza Creative Commons Attribution
Type Presentation
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 31/05/2021
Last update date 07/10/2022
Versione 1.0
Stato Final
Autore Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Mittente Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Manutentore CRFM Communications
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Owner CRFM
Owner email