Manual on Assuring Food Safety Conditions in ...

English Manual: This operational manual was published by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) under the Special Publications Series as one of eight manuals aimed at providing structured guidelines to help ensure the safety of fish and fishery products for human consumption, through best practices and official controls. This is one of several outputs of the EU-funded 10th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Project, under efforts for “Capacity Building of regulatory and industry stakeholders in Aquaculture and Fisheries Health and Food Safety to meet the SPS requirements of international trade”, implemented by Megapesca Lda, Portugal. The manual is based on current international best practices and draws on the requirements expressed within the EC and US legislation, as well as Codex Alimentarius Standards. However, additional specific requirements have been added, where these are considered to contribute significantly to improved food safety within the context of the Caribbean fishery sector.


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Campo Valore
Ultimo aggiornamento Settembre 19, 2022
Creato Settembre 19, 2022
Formato application/pdf
Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione
Type Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 31/12/2016
Last update date 19/09/2022
Versione 1.0
Stato Final
Autore Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Mittente Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Manutentore CRFM Communications
E-mail del manutentore
Owner CRFM
Owner email