Cover - Guide to Food Safety Hazards in ...

Image of Guide to Food Safety Hazards in Caribbean Fishery Products


Informazioni supplementari

Campo Valore
Ultimo aggiornamento Settembre 19, 2022
Creato Settembre 19, 2022
Formato image/png
Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione
Type Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 31/12/2016
Last update date 19/09/2022
Versione 1.0
Stato Final
Autore Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Mittente Ian Goulding, Megapesca Lda – Portugal
Manutentore CRFM Communications
E-mail del manutentore
Owner CRFM
Owner email