Final Technical Report - Technical Support to ...

This document is the final technical report of the consultancy to strengthen national and regional SPS systems by establishing a comprehensive legislative framework for health and food safety (AHFS) in the fisheries sector, and to develop and organize an efficient responsive institutional framework and mechanism for coordination of SPS issues at both the national and regional levels.


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Campo Valore
Ultimo aggiornamento Settembre 23, 2022
Creato Settembre 23, 2022
Formato application/pdf
Licenza Creative Commons Attribution
Type Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 16/10/2015
Last update date 22/09/2022
Versione 1.0
Stato Final
Autore Christopher Hedley and George Grant, Ocean Governance Consulting, Part of the Global Centre for International Law
Mittente Christopher Hedley and George Grant, Ocean Governance Consulting, Part of the Global Centre for International Law
Manutentore CRFM Communications
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Owner CRFM
Owner email