CRFM ConsultancyReport on Stakeholder ...

CRFM Technical & Advisory Document Series Number 2012 / 7 The overall objective of the study was to conduct regional and country specific stakeholder analyses of the flyingfish fishery in the Wider Caribbean. The consultant was also asked to use the stakeholder analyses to assess whether a collaborative planning process and management approach is likely to be successful; identify challenges that must be met to increase the likelihood of success; and make recommendations for structured stakeholder collaboration/networking and participation to improve effectiveness and timeliness of decision-making and implementation regarding conservation, taking into account the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management (EAF) and precautionary approaches.


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Informata shtesë

Fusha Vlera
Ndryshimi i fundit Tetor 22, 2019
U krijua Tetor 22, 2019
Formati application/pdf
Licenca Creative Commons Attribution
Type Report
Category Fish
Species group Flyingfish
Economic group
Publication/creation date
Last update date
Adresa elektronike e autorit
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Owner CRFM
Owner email