Implementation Report (2014-2015): ...

The Sub-regional Fisheries Management Plan for Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean (ECFF-FMP) was endorsed by the Ministerial Council, through Resolution, at its 8th Meeting on 23 May 2014 in the Commonwealth of Dominica. At that meeting the Ministerial Council called upon CRFM Member States participating in the flyingfish fisheries to take all necessary action to adopt the Sub-regional Management Plan for Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean and to proactively pursue its implementation. The responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the ECFF-FMP rests with the CRFMWECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean, the CRFM being represented by its Pelagic Fisheries Working Group at both the technical/scientific and management levels. This Working Group is mandated to report annually to the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, CRFM Ministerial Council and WECAFC respectively on the progress of implementation of the FMP and the respective management measures agreed upon.


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Fusha Vlera
Ndryshimi i fundit Tetor 22, 2019
U krijua Tetor 22, 2019
Formati application/pdf
Licenca Creative Commons Attribution
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