Summary report on the review of draft national ...

This report summarises feedback on existing draft management plans prepared by the fisheries authorities in four countries in the Eastern Caribbean (Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines). We offer practical guidance in the form of an appropriate framework for revising existing draft management plans that acknowledges the potential threat as well as potential opportunity of sargassum influxes.

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Informata shtesë

Fusha Vlera
Ndryshimi i fundit Gusht 4, 2022
U krijua Gusht 4, 2022
Formati application/pdf
Licenca License not specified
Type Report
Sector Ecological
Category Algae
Habitat Coastal
Species group sargassum
Economic group
Publication/creation date 01/04/2019
Last update date 01/04/2019
Statusi Final
Autor S. Cox, H. A. Oxenford and P. McConney
Adresa elektronike e autorit S. Cox, H. A. Oxenford and P. McConney
Mirëmbajtësi FAO
Mirëmbajtësi i adresës elektronike
Owner FAO
Owner email