Aquaculture Working Group Resources
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Blue Economy
Fisheries in the Blue Economy -
Leadership Institute Training Resources
Capacity building resources developed for the CNFO Leadership Institute. -
SPS Regional Policy Framework
Documentation on SPS Fisheries Activities under the 11th EDF SPS Measures Project, funded by the European Union -
SPS Training Materials for Ocean Delight (Suriname)
This dataset features SPS Training Materials for Ocean Delight, including guidelines from the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism for food safety. The resources were produced... -
CRFM Guidelines HACCP based control systems (Guyana)
This SPS Training Materials for Tibu Impex features guidelines from the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism for HACCP-based control systems. The resources were produced under... -
CRFM Manuals on Fish Handling & Storage for Fishers
A set of manuals on best practices in Fisheries that use FADs and on ice box construction published in 2017 by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism under the project, Fish... -
CRFM SPS Measures Manuals
This set of manuals cover several topics, including assurance of food safety conditions in capture fisheries, fish landing, and processing, as well as inspection and official... -
SPS Measures / AHFS Flyers
This dataset contains a collection of flyers covering animal health and food safety as well as the World Trade Organization Agreement on the application of SPS Measures. These... -
Model legislation, protocols, guidelines for health and food safety related to fisheries and aquaculture
This document is the final technical report of the consultancy to strengthen national and regional SPS systems by establishing a comprehensive legislative framework for health... -
National and Regional environmental monitoring programmes related to SPS for fishery and aquaculture products
Documentation on Initiative to Provide Technical Support to develop National and Regional environmental monitoring programmes related to SPS for fishery and aquaculture products... -
Finalization of 10th EDF SPS Project
These are resources developed at the conclusion of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Project in 2017. They include documentation on EU... -
Assessments of Climate Change Effects on Caribbean Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries
As part of the Caribbean track of the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience a series of ecological, economic and social assessment of climate change impacts on marine resources... -
Climate Change Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan & Implementation Report
The Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan (SECSAP) guided the Project team’s efforts during the PPCR project to share research on the impacts of climate... -
CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification
The overall objective of the study was to conduct regional and country specific stakeholder analyses of the flyingfish fishery in the Wider Caribbean. The consultant was also... -
Our Sea is Changing, We Must Change With It - Climate Change Posters
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ESSA Knowledge Attitudes Practice Study
This Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Study (KAP Study) is a first output of Work Package 3 (WP3) of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and... -
ESSA Regional Planning Workshop
This is the report of the Regional Planning Workshop, marking the official launch of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Monitoring System... -
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Case Study
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Case Study Steering Committee, 10 February 2011, Barbados -
Report of the 1st Meeting of the CRFM WECAFC WG on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM / WECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean, 18 – 19 June 2012, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.