Cover of Manual of Best Practices in Fisheries ...

Cover Image of the Manual of Best Practices in Fisheries that Use FADs. Published by CRFM in December 2015


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Polje Vrednost
Poslednje аžurirаnje September 22, 2022
Kreirаno September 22, 2022
Formаt image/jpeg
Licencа Creative Commons Attribution
Type Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 31/12/2015
Last update date 22/09/2022
Verzijа 1.0
Status Final
Autor Gervain, P., Reynal, L., Defoe, J., Ishida, M., and Mohammed, E
Author Email Gervain, P., Reynal, L., Defoe, J., Ishida, M., and Mohammed, E
Održаvа CRFM Communications
Maintainer Email
Owner CRFM
Owner email