Assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture

Assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture: Available methodologies and their relevance for the sector.

נתונים ומקורות

מידע נוסף

שדה ערך
Source/Provider Institution FAO
Source URL
סוג Report
Sector Ecological
Habitat Coastal
Species group
Economic group
Restrictions on use
Publication/creation date 01/01/2015
Last update date 01/01/2015
סטטוס Final
מחבר FAO prepared by Cecile Brugère and Cassandra De Young.
דואר אלקטרוני של המחבר FAO prepared by Cecile Brugère and Cassandra De Young.
אחראי FAO
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Owner FAO
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