National and Regional environmental monitoring programmes related to SPS for fishery and aquaculture products

Documentation on Initiative to Provide Technical Support to develop National and Regional environmental monitoring programmes related to SPS for fishery and aquaculture products in CARIFORUM States

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מידע נוסף

שדה ערך
Source/Provider Institution CRFM
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סוג Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Restrictions on use Reproduction, dissemination and use of material in this publication for educational or noncommercial purposes are authorized without prior written permission of the CRFM, provided the source is fully acknowledged. No part of this publication may be reproduced, disseminated, or used for any commercial purposes or resold without the prior written permission of the CRFM.
Publication/creation date 14/10/2015
Last update date 22/09/2022
גרסה 1.0
סטטוס Final
מחבר Margeir Gussurarson and Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir MATIS, Iceland
דואר אלקטרוני של המחבר Margeir Gussurarson and Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir MATIS, Iceland
אחראי CRFM Communications
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