Assessments of Climate Change Effects on Caribbean Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries

As part of the Caribbean track of the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience a series of ecological, economic and social assessment of climate change impacts on marine resources and the fisheries sector were undertaken between March 2018 and January 2019. This synthesis provides key conclusions arising from the assessment of (1) climate risks and ecological impacts for Caribbean marine fish stocks, (2) the economic consequences of ecosystem shifts and of increased tropical cyclone activity and (3) fisheries viability and resilience through a the lens of value chains. Overall, multiple lines of evidence suggest large risk and impacts of climate change on the Caribbean Sea’s fish stocks and fisheries and a large pre-existing “adaptation deficit” such that the incremental economic impacts of climate change appear small relative to current loss and damages registered. Research at two local fishing sites reveals opportunities to improve climate resilience across the seafood value chain by empowering resources users to self-organize and build local adaptive capacity, promoting seafood product differentiation and identifying enablers for governance effectiveness. Several improvements and extensions to the ecological and economic modelling undertaken under this project are possible and recommended; however, sufficient information exists to inform adaptation planning and targeted measures. Assessment results will form the basis of a communications campaign and monitoring and management recommendations undertaken as part of the project.

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Publication/creation date 01/07/2019
Last update date 18/10/2019
Stato Final
E-mail del manutentore
Owner CRFM
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