Manual on Ice Box Construction (Volume I)

This Illustrated Manual on Ice Box Construction on Fishing Vessel was published by the CRFM Secretariat in August 2015. This illustrative manual aims to show how to make your own icebox by one or two persons within one or two working days. It covers the ice making process, preparation of the boat, assembly and application of fiberglass and resin.


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Informata shtesë

Fusha Vlera
Ndryshimi i fundit Shtator 22, 2022
U krijua Shtator 22, 2022
Formati application/pdf
Licenca Creative Commons Attribution
Type Report
Sector Socioeconomic
Category N/A
Habitat N/A
Species group N/A
Economic group All
Publication/creation date 30/08/2015
Last update date 22/09/2022
Versioni 1.0
Statusi Final
Autor Mitsuhiro Ishida Bertley Carrette Andrew Magloire
Adresa elektronike e autorit Mitsuhiro Ishida Bertley Carrette Andrew Magloire
Mirëmbajtësi CRFM Communications
Mirëmbajtësi i adresës elektronike
Owner CRFM
Owner email