CRFM Portal - User and Administrator Guide: CRFM Technical & Advisory Document

This document is a guide to using, managing, and maintaining the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism’s data and information portal. This document is primarily intended for CRFM technical and project management staff and the fisheries management staff of the CRFM’s member nations. Many of the portal’s functions are reasonably straightforward and can be learned through interaction with the site. This document is intended to provide a more complete understanding of the functions and organization of the portal so that those who repeatedly use the portal can do so more efficiently and effectively. At the time of writing, the portal primarily contained data and information derived from the CRFM-led marine sub-component of Caribbean Regional Track of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) and from the Flyingfish Sub-Project implemented under the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus (CLME+) Project. As the portal is used more widely this scope is expected to increase.

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