Input and output data for the ecological analysis is available in GIS format along with QGIS projects that have been structured to present the data layers in easily viewable formats.
The Zip file contains the following data and QGIS Projects:
Habitat Suitability mapping in the form of georeferenced PNGs (in the “GIS Outputs” and “Graphic Outputs” folder) that can be easily displayed;
Raw results from the Habitat Suitability mapping in CSV files (in the “UBC Results” folder) that can be used for analysis;
A range of related GIS data that can be used in combination with the HSI modelling results in the “Misc GIS Layers” Folder;
Various scripts used in QGIS to manipulate the HSI and other data sets are included in the Scripts folder;
Three QGIS projects: (i) CRFM GIS Data V1 – The basic project used to explore the results of the UBC modelling. HSI mapping is included for all species as PNGs which are easy to work with but not useful for analysis; (ii) CRFM GIS Data Plus – Includes the UBC modelling results as CSV tables which allow symbology to be customized; (iii) CRFM Friday Training – Project used for training and which include additional example layers.
WARNING - this data is contained in a Zip file that is more than 800 MBytes in size.