Safety at sea for small-scale fishers in the Caribbean
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Safety at sea for small-scale fishers in the Caribbean
This manual has been made primarily for small-scale fishers who use vessels...
Info shtesë
Fusha | Vlera |
Source/Provider Institution | |
Source URL | |
Type | Report |
Sector | Ecological |
Category | Algae |
Habitat | Coastal |
Species group | |
Economic group | |
Restrictions on use | |
Publication/creation date | 01/01/2020 |
Last update date | 01/01/2020 |
Versioni | |
Statusi | Final |
Autor | FAO |
Adresa elektronike e autorit | FAO |
Mirëmbajtësi | FAO |
Mirëmbajtësi i adresës elektronike | FAO |
Owner | FAO |
Owner email |