Assessments of Climate Change Effects on Caribbean Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries
As part of the Caribbean track of the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience a series of ecological, economic and social assessment of climate change impacts on marine resources... -
Climate Change Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan & Implementation Report
The Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan (SECSAP) guided the Project team’s efforts during the PPCR project to share research on the impacts of climate... -
GIS Data Resources for Climate Adaptation
Input and output data for the ecological analysis is available in GIS format along with QGIS projects that have been structured to present the data layers in easily viewable... -
Climate Change PowerPoint Presentation Modules
Powerpoint templates that can be used to create customized presentations for a wide range of different audiences. -
Our Sea is Changing, We Must Change With It - Climate Change Posters
Ky set i të dhënave nuk ka përshkrim
ESSA Knowledge Attitudes Practice Study
This Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Study (KAP Study) is a first output of Work Package 3 (WP3) of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and... -
ESSA Regional Planning Workshop
This is the report of the Regional Planning Workshop, marking the official launch of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Monitoring System... -
Fish for Today and Tomorrow - Video Documentary
The climate is changing, and so are our fisheries. This short film surveys the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean fisheries sector through conversations with fishers and...