Analytical Tools and Monitoring Guidance for Monitoring Climate Change Impacts
A toolkit to support climate change adaptation planning in the Caribbean fisheries sector. Training in the use of the toolkit was delivered and the training report is included... -
Climate Change Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan & Implementation Report
The Stakeholder Engagement, Communication Strategy and Action Plan (SECSAP) guided the Project team’s efforts during the PPCR project to share research on the impacts of climate... -
Final Technical Report: Climate Change Assessments and Associated Monitoring System.
This document is the final deliverable under a project titled “Conduct of Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Assessments of the Impacts of Climate Change and... -
CRFM Portal - User and Administrator Guide: CRFM Technical & Advisory Document
This document is a guide to using, managing, and maintaining the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism’s data and information portal. This document is primarily intended for... -
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management: Regional Strategy and Action Plan
The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) has developed an updated Regional Strategy and Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in... -
Data and Information Management for Decision Support to the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery
Contains information on enhancing data and information management for decision support to the Eastern Caribbean flyingfish fishery. -
CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification
The overall objective of the study was to conduct regional and country specific stakeholder analyses of the flyingfish fishery in the Wider Caribbean. The consultant was also... -
Sub-Regional Fisheries Management Plan for Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean
In 2012, the 2008 Draft Sub-regional FMP adopted at the Third Meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Flyingfish Working Group of the Eastern Caribbean was amended at the First meeting of... -
Our Sea is Changing, We Must Change With It - Climate Change Posters
Ky set i të dhënave nuk ka përshkrim
ESSA Knowledge Attitudes Practice Study
This Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Study (KAP Study) is a first output of Work Package 3 (WP3) of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and... -
ESSA Regional Planning Workshop
This is the report of the Regional Planning Workshop, marking the official launch of the Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Monitoring System... -
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Case Study
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Case Study Steering Committee, 10 February 2011, Barbados -
Report of the 1st Meeting of the CRFM WECAFC WG on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean
Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM / WECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean, 18 – 19 June 2012, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. -
Strategic Action Programme for the Effective Governance of Flyingfish Fisheries
The Strategic Action Programme on Governance of Flyingfish in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) described in this report draws on a case study, which was carried out... -
Review of Policy and Arrangements for Governance and management of Flyingfish Fisheries in the CLME
CRFM Consultancy Report on Review of Existing Policy, Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Governance and Management of Flyingfish Fisheries in the Caribbean Large Marine... -
Implementation Report (2014-2015) of FMP for Flyingfish
The Sub-regional Fisheries Management Plan for Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean (ECFF-FMP) was endorsed by the Ministerial Council, through Resolution, at its 8th Meeting on... -
Report of the Second Meeting of the CRFM / CLME
The purpose of the meeting was to review the outputs of two regional studies that were aimed at providing scientific policy guidelines, in order to strengthen governance and...