Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
GIS Data Resources for Climate Adaptation
Input and output data for the ecological analysis is available in GIS format along with QGIS projects that have been structured to present the data layers in easily viewable... -
Permit (Trachinotus falcatus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Longbill spearfish (Tetrapturus pfluegeri) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Southern sennet (Sphyraena picudilla) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Yellowtail parrotfish (Sparisoma rubripinne) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Redtail parrotfish (Sparisoma chrysopterum) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Redband parrotfish (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Cero (Scomberomorus regalis) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the... -
Atlantic spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) habitat suitability maps
Species-specific projected total habitat suitability index (HSI) and HSI's change or 'anomaly' under different carbon dioxide emission levels, including (A) total HSI for the...